Dec 9, 2020
In this episode, we get a little more experimental as we continue the Houdini series and discuss the Layout Worklet, also sometimes referred to as the Houdini Layout API. The Layout API enables developers to write their own layout algorithms.
For more about Houdini worklets, check out our last episode on the Paint...
Dec 2, 2020
In this episode, we continue the Houdini series and enter worklet land! We go over the Paint Worklet, an API that enables developers to define canvas-like custom painting functions that can be used directly in CSS as backgrounds, borders, masks, and more.
CSS Paint API →
MDN Docs on CSS...
Nov 18, 2020
In this episode we go over the TypedOM, a new API for parsing, converting, creating and managing CSS. It's typed, as the name suggests, and these typings not only help developers find bugs, they can make properties animateable natively in the engine.
MDN Typed OM Reference →
Nov 11, 2020
In this episode we introduce Houdini! We start by talking about our hooks into the layout engine and CSS parser, so we can connect our custom functionality with some CSS authored by a designer or developer. These hooks are called Houdini Properties & Values.
Properties and Values Spec →
Sep 16, 2020
In this closing episode, we do a whirlwind recap of our entire first season! We go over every episode, from the box model to z-index to animations and functions and color. Listen as we recount our favorite tips and tricks and discuss what we learned in the process of making this podcast.