Sep 16, 2020
In this closing episode, we do a whirlwind recap of our entire first season! We go over every episode, from the box model to z-index to animations and functions and color. Listen as we recount our favorite tips and tricks and discuss what we learned in the process of making this podcast.
Sep 9, 2020
Today we are talking about CSS blend modes! Blend modes are super fun and allow you to specify how you want elements to interact in terms of their overlapping pixel values on the page.
mix-blend-mode →
Isolation: Cascading Style Sheets →
Sep 2, 2020
In this episode, we’re talking about CSS filters! We can alter the pixels of our web apps in similar ways to our favorite design tools. From recreating Instagram filter effects, to blurring background for better legibility, we dive deep into what CSS and filters can do.