Aug 3, 2021
We’ve reached the end of season 2 of the CSS Podcast. In this
closing episode, we recap every episode by sharing our favorite
tips and learnings from the last few months!
Episodes reminisced
E30 → Lists
E31 → @rules
E32 → Page Media Queries
E33 → Preference Media Queries
E34 → Overflow
E35 → Background
E36 → Text & Typography
E37 → Cursors & Pointers
E38 → N-Match Notation
E39 → Paths, Shapes, Clipping and Masking
E40 → @font-face
E41 → Transforms
E42 → Snap Points
E43 → Containment
E44 → Transitions
E45 → @scroll-timeline
E46 → Custom Properties
E47 → :is(), :where(), and @nest
E48 → Touch Interaction
E49 → Accessibility
E50 → Inherit, initial, inset, and revert
E51 → Styling SVG
E52 → Counters & @counter-style
Una Kravets (co-host)
Twitter | Instagram | YouTube
Making the web more colorful ✨🎨 Web DevRel @googlechrome Unicorn
face host of @toolsday & Designing in the Browser 🎬
Adam Argyle (co-host)
Twitter | Instagram | YouTube
@GoogleChrome CSS DevRel; @CSSWG; VisBug maker; punk; CSS/JS/UX
addict; 💀🤘
The CSS Podcast